Be One of the Lucky Few with presale tickets to SALT art & music - Here's How!

What can I do if there is are no presale tickets and I'm using a presale code?

If you're unable to get Presale Tickets to an event you're interested in, the next best option may be to buy tickets from someone who was able to get them during the presale. While this can be a bit more expensive than buying tickets directly from the event organizer, it can be a good option if you really want to attend the event and don't want to risk missing out on tickets entirely.
When Presale Tickets go on sale, there are often a limited number available, and they can sell out quickly. Even if you have a presale code, there's no guarantee that you'll be able to get the tickets you want. In some cases, the presale may have been so popular that all the tickets were sold out before you had a chance to buy them.

If you're in this situation, it can be helpful to look for tickets being sold by someone who was able to secure them during the presale. These tickets may be available at a higher price than face value, but they can still be a good option if you're willing to pay a little extra to attend the event. Just be sure to buy from a reputable source to avoid any issues with counterfeit or invalid tickets.
Ultimately, while Presale tickets are often the best way to ensure you get tickets to an event you're interested in, they're not always a guarantee. If you're unable to get presale tickets, buying from someone who was able to secure them can be a good alternative, allowing you to still attend the event and have a great time.

Sometimes, Presale tickets for popular events sell out quickly, even if you have a presale code. If you're not able to get tickets, consider buying them from someone who was successful in getting presale tickets. Although these tickets may cost more than face value, it's still a great option if you're determined to go to the event. Just make sure you buy from a reliable source to avoid counterfeit or invalid tickets.

Use a ticket broker

Buying presale tickets from a licensed ticket broker is the smartest way to guarantee you'll be able to attend SALT art & music. With Presale tickets, you'll have early access to the best seats in the house, and a licensed broker will make sure your transaction is secure and hassle-free.

Why take the risk of missing out on SALT art & music when you can buy presale tickets from a licensed ticket broker? With a broker, you can rest assured that your tickets are legitimate, and you'll have access to exclusive presale offers that aren't available to the general public.

Don't wait until the last minute to try to get tickets for SALT art & music. Buy Presale tickets from a licensed broker and secure your spot at the show. You'll have peace of mind knowing that your tickets are authentic, and you'll avoid the stress of trying to buy tickets on the day of the event.

Get Your Hands on SALT art & music Tickets Before Anyone Else - Shop with a Reputable Marketplace!

From our collection of concert tips:

  • Don't forget to bring earplugs to protect your hearing from loud music and screaming fans.
  • Eat before the concert to keep your energy up and avoid getting hangry.
  • Wear comfortable shoes because you'll be standing and dancing for a long time.
  • Don't forget to bring a power bank so you can stay connected with friends and family and take photos and videos of your favorite moments without worrying about your phone dying.
  • Make sure you get there early to avoid the crowds and find a good spot to enjoy the show.
  • Bring a small bag to carry your essentials like your phone, wallet, and keys.
  • Remember to drink plenty of water to avoid getting dehydrated in the heat and excitement of the show.
  • Take breaks to rest and recharge between sets or songs.
  • Don't push or shove and avoid pushing or shoving your way through the crowd.
  • Remember to enjoy the moment and soak in the energy and excitement of the live performance.

SALT art & music has also appeared with:

Oslo Humorfest

Oslo Fringe Festival



Utfordrerne (Stand-up)


English Standup Oslo

Stand-up på SALT

Standup med Mert og venner

Impro på SALT

Bootyswing Burlesque


Blue Monday Slam


Spelet om Trona

Burlesque Bingo

Fjas Impro

Friends - the one where everyone drinks

Norway Clown Festival

Finn Bjelkes pop quiz

Naustet Viseklubb

FLO:P - Åpen humorscene for alle

Varm melk med honning

Klubbkveld på SALT

TRE FREKKE OG HAN KJEKKE - 7 forestillinger på 7 dager


Einars Kviss på SALT



Quiz og afterwork med quizmistress Austinat

SVARTNISSEN - en julerevy for barn

Kunstig humor

Great Garlic Girls

The striped clowns

Offerspill Sjakkfestival 2023

Open Drag Stage Night

Vokalisten er syk - livekaraoke

Karaoke Karl & co

Dagspass – Oslo Humorfest

Humorcuppen - Den Gylne Saltstang


Bingo BAR på SALT

Quiz på SALT

Nesten Lættis Impro

Magnus’ Musical Madness

Oslo Pride

Mike Schubert - podcast

Total Musikal


Den Rette


I didn't know that about you



Sarahs Powerpoint-kaos

Ready For It


The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Peak Performance

Tullegutt med Martin Marki

TAM humor

Atle Fretheim

Blå Caps Impro


Magnus Børmark

Jack Botts


Marie Løvås

Karol Modzelewski

Tre Sma Kinesere

Nora Legrand

Erling Ramskjell

Hygge Korpsensemble

Magda Mihaila

Kvinner i kulissene

God Natt, Oslo

Anna Kajander

Mardi Gras Party

Xavier Valverde

Homsen & Bomsen

Ane Bjerkan

DJ Ursula


Theo Myling

Maria Stavang

Queer the W*ack

Weird Sisters


Little Ladder

Beverly Kills

A Girl Just Wanna Have Fun

Ash & Thorns

The Other End


Baarli og Benjamin går i terapi


Matt Schofield

Silja Sol

Det Skandaløse Orkester

Amanda Ginsburg

Way Down The Rainbow

Ballaclava impro

Varietéshow til støtte for Palestina



Robert Post



August Kann



Veps / SALT

Bibby's Bonanza of Bizarre


Du vil ikke tro hva som skjer på slutten

Darius Emadi: Hot ticket

Moon Hooch

Foy Vance

Future Nostalgia

Kanta Dab Dab

SAYKOLUHJEE: Earth & Alien


La det Swinge! En Eurovision-fest

SAYKOLUHJEE: Shrimp & Rice

Axel Frønes

Cupfinalefest i Oslo

Tom Roger Aadland

Di Derre


Kong Ubu


Of the Wand & the Moon



Days of August



NRK P3 Urørt


Silent Disco Club

Red Hot

Rare DM

Kniv & Gaffel

Dønn seriøs kunst

Mouth Wound

Steikje Løye med Oskar


Ole Henry Snildalsli




R.A.P. Ferreira

Mats Eilertsen

Cabaret of Death

Krissy Mary

Randi Oline

Lyse Netter

SAYKOLUHJEE: Hakuna & Matata

Jim Swann


Tre frekke og han kjekke



Jonathan Floyd

Flame Princess

A2A Club Concept

Das Body