We know about 15 nearby venues
These venues are worth noting: They host large and small events and sometimes obscure events too, not always concerts but smaller shows too ABF-huset Forskningsparken Åsane Kirke Bergen Ljan Menighetshus NORDISK FILM, Randers Plaza de Toros de Valladolid Teatro Carrión Sala Porta Caeli Sala Blanca (LAVA) Sala Cientocero Polideportivo Pisuerga Pabellón Feria de Valladolid La Casa del Sol Feria de Valladolid Sala Lava
Do you happen to know: There are LOTS of presales happening near Valladolid - You can find
a list of upcoming presales, codes and passwords in Valladolid by going to Presale.Codes