Next 1 event at Teatro Gustavo Modena
Pink Sonic Show · May 11 2025 @ 8:30pm
We know about 12 nearby venues
These venues are worth noting: They host large and small events and sometimes obscure events too, not always concerts but smaller shows too MYYRMÄEN JALKAPALLOSTADION Stadthalle OHZ Lendemoen Sira Bryggen senter Abfahrt: Marktplatz Rastede Piazza delle Feste - Porto Antico Teatro Carlo Felice TEATRO NAZIONALE IVO CHIESA Crazy Bull Cafè Stadium Arena del Mare - Porto Antico Teatro Gustavo Modena
Do you happen to know: There are LOADS of presales happening soon near Genova - You can find
a page of upcoming presales, codes and passwords in Genova by going to Presale.Codes